December 31, 2011

It's installed

I couldn't wait any longer. And with my free month ticking away, I just had to install the game on my laptop. I am on absolute minimum settings right now, which sucks, but oh my god is it ever worth it! I am only level 6 but man is the game good! I really feel like I am leading the story here. Sure, there are other people around me, but when it comes to the story line quests, I feel I am in control of the outcome of The old Republic.

I don't know how Bioware did it but instances are actually instant. I can walk right up to a cave and, as I enter, I enter alone which is pretty cool. I also got my droid today. T7 was his name I think. This little guy is funny lol. Gah, there are probably twenty different things I want to mention and discuss but that would take all day.

I seriously can't wait for my new PC to get here. I want to experience StarWars: The Old Republic on high visual settings.

Oh and one last thing. The voice acting is amazing and it really pulls you into the story. I was actually upset for this NPC after one quest I did. Then I was proud on another. Just amazing! Anyways more soon!

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